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Lab Staffing

Your facility.  Our expertise.  The best of both worlds.

Sometimes sending your samples to a third-party lab just isn't a feasible solution for you, whether due to loss of control or delays in turnaround time caused by shipping.  We get it.  And we can help.  Our Lab Staffing program has been specifically designed to give you quality 3rd party results on your schedule.   Our team of scientists and managers will staff and oversee your on-site laboratory, effectively assuming operational responsibility for the lab.  There are numerous quality and economic reasons to take this approach: contracts with suppliers help control our costs so those savings can be passed on to you; a networked LIMS ensures that data is reviewed at multiple levels before results are sent to you; our quality system provides stringent QC specifications to ensure the results are technically valid; and you get access to our expert staff standing at the ready to assist you in your food safety management needs.

Maintain a close working relationship with our management staff while removing the conflict of interest of testing your own product.

Flexible options are available concerning assest ownership and management and cost models.

Concentrate on what you do best while we concentrate on what we do best.

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